Top Flight Sails offers a first class service in all aspects
of sail manufacture and repair to the light aviation,
microlight and hang gliding fraternity.
Products and services include complete aircraft skins,
microlight / hang glider wings as well as lots of accessories.

As well as our product range we also do bespoke work.
If you want that special article made contact us and
we'll see what we can do.

Over the last decade we have built up a reputation
locally and nationally for quality and reliability. If
you're in the area you're welcome to call in. SEE MAP

Hang glider
Medway SLA

Nigel Sandercock, the proprietor, has over 40 years experience in
in light aviation sailmaking. Begining with Hiway in the 1970's
when hang gliding and microlighting was in it's infancy.

In 1998 he founded Top Flight Sails and has attained a good
customer base including Medway Microlights, Avian hang
gliders, Lynx Avionics, Thruster Air Services, Joint services
hang gliding and paragliding centre and a number of local
flying and hang gliding/paragliding schools.

Topflight now also provide Aircraft skins for Flylight and The Light Aircraft Company as well seat covers and ancillaries.

The company is based in Tredegar, South Wales,
at the heart of hang gliding / paragliding country.

Cutting the pattern for an Xair exterior cover
  All our work is produced in our workshop in the UK and
made to a high standard.